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Once upon a time, in an age before money and commerce, men and women shared the fields they tilted, the water they drank, the food they harvested and hunted. More than this, they shared their sorrows, their hopes, their dreams. All of these things, they did in common. Selfishness and stinginess did not occur to them, for they simply could not conceive of a world in which lands, rivers and mountains could be seized, that they could 'belong' to anyone by legal right. They could not imagine that somebody could point to a plot of land - a gift of Nature and a home to all forms of life, animal, human and vegetable - and say 'this is MINE, get lost'. That we speak of these people simply to say that we, their wretched descendents, have forgotten that they ever existed, that man once lived upon a basis of trust and generosity with his fellows, and that these things came naturally, for they were common sense.
At Occupy Central, we have attempted to revive this memory by creating a space in which everything - blankets, furniture, cigarettes, food, water, mattresses, books and tents are shared. Besides these material necessities, we have given gifts of time, laughter and concern to one another. We have tried to see what it would be like for us to build a life upon giving. This required us to give up a lot of things. We were skeptical, and we didn't know that we had so much to give. This is something we would like very much to share with everyone we come into contact with, and we spent many hours thinking about just how this could be done, before coming up with the idea to arrange a special event to show just what we mean.
Next Sunday, we would like to invite you to our first Bazaar of Gifts. The principle of this is simple - everyone brings a bunch of things that they would like to give others, and deposits them in the space for others to take. Bring a song, a poem, a record, a chair, a book, a toaster, a beef steak, roller skates, anything! Perhaps you would also like to attach a label for a note of some sort that tells the future custodian of the gift about the history of the object and the meaning that it has for you. You can even come empty-handed to see what others have brought and take what tickles your fancy. Everything is FREE, including the conversations you could have with others who believe that all of life is an immeasurable gift that cannot be evaluated or priced.
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