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四星期前,一群佔領者響應紐約的「佔領華爾街」運動,在中環滙豐總行地下起居作息、下廚,偶爾唱歌、玩音樂、討論或閒聊,建立儼如小社區的生活,為要用別樣的生活方式,溫柔地抵抗如今被1%的人控制大部份資源的社會。 此時,唯有聲音屬於我們,讓我們以詩佔領。
Four weeks ago, a group of occupiers in Hong Kong responded to the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and started their occupation at the ground floor of HSBC headquarter in Central. They have set up tents, an open kitchen, a library and an open space for music, arts and forums on capitalism as well as related issues on economics and politics. Experimenting a new communal life which aims to steer clear of the current system, the occupiers are resisting the society of which the resources are controlled by the 1% of the population
四星期前,一群佔領者響應紐約的「佔領華爾街」運動,在中環滙豐總行地下起居作息、下廚,偶爾唱歌、玩音樂、討論或閒聊,建立儼如小社區的生活,為要用別樣的生活方式,溫柔地抵抗如今被1%的人控制大部份資源的社會。 此時,唯有聲音屬於我們,讓我們以詩佔領。
Four weeks ago, a group of occupiers in Hong Kong responded to the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and started their occupation at the ground floor of HSBC headquarter in Central. They have set up tents, an open kitchen, a library and an open space for music, arts and forums on capitalism as well as related issues on economics and politics. Experimenting a new communal life which aims to steer clear of the current system, the occupiers are resisting the society of which the resources are controlled by the 1% of the population